Koral Walters (She/Her)

Red Fox Lead Primary Guide

Serving Mountain Shadows since 1992

Adult and child engaging in a hand-washing activity using a blue basin and pitcher on a wooden floor, indoor setting.
Koral grew up in a small town in Ohio. She lived in Maryland outside of Washington D.C. after getting married.Koral worked in retail for a number of years. She became a buyer of children's clothing. When she left that job she worked at a Montessori school in Maryland as an assistant. She enjoyed the experience and took the Montessori training in Washington D.C. Over the years, Koral has done various volunteer work from coaching soccer teams to helping at the food bank.
Working as an assistant, Koral noticed the children in the Montessori classroom happy, independent, inquisitive, responsible, friendly and enjoyed each day with the children. She was urged to take the Montessori  training by the Head of School and her classroom teacher. Mountain Shadows is a magical place. A place where the children grow to be responsible citizens of the world. Children graduate from the Upper Elementary classroom very independent, mature, and caring individuals. They move on to other educational institutions and they stand up for what they believe and want, they are independent thinkers, they ask questions and search for answers. To watch these children start this learning process at a young age and watch them grow over the years and to be a part of the process is the magical part that Koral has enjoyed over the years at Mountain Shadows.
In her spare time, Koral enjoys being outside. She loves to garden and has many colorful rose bushes in her flower garden. She enjoys hiking and camping especially in the Tetons and Yellowstone Park. She likes to go to yard sales and antique stores to find lots of treasure, one can never have too many treasures. 

"A child, who more than anyone else is a spontaneous observer of nature, certainly needs to have at his disposal material upon which he can work."  Dr. Maria Montessori, Discovery of the Child